Shares new messages on Hireloop with Users, Hiring Teams or Everyone and sends emails.

How does it work:

  • In content field, provide a text to be shared.
  • @-mention users to send them an email
    • In content field use @[USER:id] to mention a User, e.g. @[USER:324132421]
  • Email responses are added as comments to your update
  • #-tag candidates to link updates to their profiles
    • In content field use #[CANDIDATE:id] to tag a candidate, e.g. #[CANDIDATE:9847954623]
  • Use shareWith to share a feed update with individuals, hiring teams or everyone
    • In users field, provide an array of User IDs with which you want to share, e.g. "users": ["12343542356","12343542357"].
    • In hiringTeamOf field, provide an array of Job IDs, this will share message with a full hiring team of those jobs, e.g. "hiringTeamOf": ["123423432322","123423432324"].
    • everyone flag allows sharing with everyone in a company. If not provided, defaults to false.
    • openNote flag allows sharing with everyone in a company that has access to the candidate. If not provided, defaults to false
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Body Params

Message to post

length between 1 and 10000

Content of the message


CorrelationId is an optional parameter for you to add an additional ID reference to the note. This will simply be appended onto the note and will not be tracked/managed/process by SmartRecruiters in any way.


Sharing and message visibility options


Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here! Or choose an example: