Use this endpoint to download the most recent report file for a specific report. The response contains report data in CSV format. In order to get a successful response, there have to be at least 1 successfully generated report file for the report.
Along with the successful response, the Etag
HTTP header is returned, containing ETag identifier of the report file. In order to save bandwidth resources, the If-None-Match HTTP
header containing the recently retrieved report file ETag can be passed with the request. If there's no report file, that is newer than the one referred in the If-None-Match
header, the API responds with HTTP 304 Not Modified
status code and does not provide content.
It is not recommended to attempt downloading large report files via Live Docs or Internet Browser. To get a large report file, use command line tools or native HTTP clients.
304Returned when there's no newer report file available.
412Returned when the provided value for the If-Match header doesn't match.