Update a job

Update a job per JSON Merge Patch specification (RFC 7396). The endpoint ignores all absent job properties.

  • updating of a field might trigger job approval
  • modification date is changed
  • all validations rules are applied for required fields and dependencies
  • null value indicates property deletion.

Usage Examples

Upsert Free Text Property

[ { "op":"add", "path":"/properties/-", "value":{ "id":"5ec29396d4a5de40e44b1f5a", "value":{ "label":"Some text" } } } ]

Upsert Drop-down Property

[ { "op":"add", "path":"/properties/-", "value":{ "id":"5ec29396d4a5de40e44b1f5a", "value":{ "id":"XXX" } } } ]

Blank a Value

[ { "op":"add", "path":"/properties/-", "value":{ "id":"5ec29396d4a5de40e44b1f5a", "value":{ "id":"null" } } } ]

Upsert Compensation

Create/update job compensation field. Sets min and currency values but leaves max null.

[ { "op":"add", "path":"/compensation", "value":{ "min":25, "max":null, "currency":"PLN" } } ]

Upsert Compensation Properties

Update job compensation.min and compensation.currency fields but leave current compensation.max intact.

Note: The compensation field must not be null. Use the previous approach if that's the case

[ { "op": "add", "path": "/compensation/min", "value": 425 }, { "op": "add", "path": "/compensation/currency", "value": "USD" } ]

Delete Compensation Properties

Delete the currency.min field but leave compensation.max and compensation.currency intact.

[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/compensation/min" } ]
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Path Params

job identifier

Body Params


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